Nursery Interview process & selection
Around first week of November, i got a call from Kumarans to come for an interview, along with my wife & daughter. First, we were surprised that there is an interview process, and obviously started wondering the need for the same. Call it the boon or the bane of the internet, we saw even questions posted on the Internet for Nursery admissions! (Sample it hilariously here, here , & fundas here. ). We thoroughly enjoyed this, but surely a worrying trend of whats coming in the future.
We were all genuinely excited for the interview (any 'first' naturally brings about energy)! We went half an hour early and we saw around 10 couples with their wards in the school. Our daugther saw the slide there and got extremely excited and started playing around. Our turn came and we were ushered into the 'room'. There were toys neatly arranged, bicuits covered & two senior teachers sitting opposite us. They made us comfortable & asked our daugther her name & asked her to sit in a baby chair. She was observing all the things around & suddenly, from nowhere asked for 'encyclocyclopedia'. We were all smiles inside & explained proudly to the teachers what she was asking, seeing the big almirah with books.
Then, they asked her what she had her in the bag & our daugther blurted out 'sugarcane juice'. The teachers wondered whether it was the case and we said that there was nothing inside. They said we can proceed and check the site on Dec 4th. The big interview D day was over in 7 minutes! We came out and saw some of my batchmates in school, waiting for thier wards' turn. Time, just flies on a rocket these days!
Then, my wife had to travel to the US for a month, and i got a call from Brigade for an observation test for my daugther. Then, papa along with our little interview pro went over to Bridage school for the observation. We went just on time & immediately ushered to the basement for the observation. There was this room with 6 teachers sitting around a circle & waiting for the next baby :-)... The first one was a puzzle (fitting different sized pieces into the right hole and the next was about books (asking her to identify colors, animals - which my daugther loved the most). Subsequently, she was asked to do an activity (closing a tiffin box and putting it into a bag & zipping it) and then, asked to identify a picture of an apple and color it. Then, some physical activity (throwing & catching a ball) and it was now the turn of me to face the interview. Phew, we an experience! Our daugther whizzed through more easily then me!
Fast forward, and we got admission calls from Kumarans, Brigade & NPS koramangala. Now, ball in our court, we had to decide which among these would we select.
Next up: The final selection
1 comment:
Hi nice post. Can you please let me know, how long Brigade school took to reply back to you after the interaction?
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